From 1 April 2025, your premium may change due to our annual increase. You've been informed about this change via email or mail (based on your preference). Find out more.

Westfund Community Grants Program

Westfund is deeply committed to helping communities thrive. That's why we created the Westfund Community Grants Program - providing over $120,000 in yearly grants to deserving community groups and organisations.

Apply for a Community Grant now

Helping to solve the regional health gap

By understanding where access and availability of important health services are lacking — and providing support to overcome these challenges — we can pave the way for a better quality of life for members while also lowering the cost of health care for the community.

Westfund Sponsorships

One of our core values is to give back to the communities that we serve. We are proud to partner with various local events, charities and organisations to make a positive impact and create meaningful connections. From sponsoring youth sports teams to supporting community festivals, we are dedicated to making a difference in the places we call home.

Additional Member Assistance

Supporting our members when it comes to family and domestic violence

We are committed to supporting our members affected by family and domestic violence and encourage any member experiencing these issues to reach out for a confidential discussion about the assistance we can offer. 

Learn more
Supporting our members through COVID

We’re proud to have returned $16.2 million back to our members via our Member Returns and COVID-19 Community Support Package. This is in addition to saving members close to $9 million through two rounds of premium increase deferrals.

Our Natural Disaster Hardship Support

During tough times, you don’t need the extra burden of health cover payments. That's why we offer a Natural Disaster Financial Hardship suspension to members feeling the impacts of natural disasters.

Learn more