From 1 April 2025, your premium may change due to our annual increase. You've been informed about this change via email or mail (based on your preference). Find out more.

Eligibility and selection criteria

Applying for grants can be a complicated process, with different requirements depending on the organisation, level of funding and other variables. 

We have listed some of the types of things which are not eligible for funding under the Westfund Community Grants Program, as well as the selection criteria. Successful applications are chosen by our Community Grants Committee and the selection criteria helps guide their decision making.

Selection Criteria

  • Is your organisation a registered charity or not-for-profit?
  • Is your organisations primary activity located in New South Wales (NSW), Queensland (QLD), or the Australian Capital Territory (ACT).
  • Does the application align to one of the Westfund Community Grants pillars? – Can the organisation show how and why they are aligned to their chosen Program pillar (Health and Wellbeing, Family and Community or Fit for Life)?
  • Does the project/event/program have a clear concept and concrete plan and objectives?
  • Does the project/event/program meet a real need within the community? Is it an appropriate, clear and measurable response to this need?
  • The knowledge and experience to get the job done: Does the applicant have the knowledge, resources and capacity to deliver on their proposed event, project or program?
  • Promoting healthy communities: Is the project/event/program providing a significant health related benefit?

Ineligible applications


  • Staff wages and administration costs
  • Accommodation and travel costs for staff of an organisation or that would otherwise be completed as part of normal business operations
  • Appearance fees, prize money and trophies/medals
  • Presentation/celebration functions
  • Food and/or catering for a function/event
  • Private or commercial ventures
  • Sponsorship
  • Council costs incurred in securing Development Approval
  • Insurance costs (public liability, general liability, etc.)
  • Projects that cannot demonstrate community support and benefit
  • Projects for the construction/ upgrade of roads or carparks
  • Purchase of land or rental of premises
  • Purchase of office equipment (e.g. desktop computers, printers, photocopiers etc.)

This list is a guide and doesn't cover every possible scenario - if you've still got questions about your application, our team is here to help. Just reach out via [email protected] and we'll be happy to help.