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Diabetes Week 2020 | Heads up on Diabetes

Diabetes Week 2020 runs from 12-18 July and the theme for this year’s campaign is ‘Heads up on Diabetes’.


Diabetes Week is an opportunity for a focus on awareness and dialogue around diabetes, which is Australia’s fastest growing chronic condition.


This year’s theme, ‘Heads up on Diabetes’, relates to the mental health aspect of diabetes, which is particularly relevant given the mental toll that the COVID-19 has taken on Australians.


We take the responsibility of being entrusted with our members’ health seriously


Which is why, depending on your level of cover, you may have access to benefits for prevention and health management programs like diabetes education and weight loss programs, chronic disease association fees and health aids and appliances like blood glucose monitors.


We also have a range of Health and Wellbeing Programs including Healthy Weight for Life which can help you reduce, or even eliminate, the need for diabetes medication.


Please check the Policy Summary specific to your Westfund policy to see what is included in your cover.

Looking at the numbers

Annual Diagnosis Rate

298 people are diagnosed with diabetes every day; that’s one person every five minutes.

Different types of diabetes

87 per cent of the population live with type 2 diabetes, 10 per cent with type 1 and 3 per cent with gestational diabetes

Could you be at risk?

It is estimated that more than 500,000 Australians are living with undiagnosed diabetes.

Know the signs

As Australia’s fastest growing chronic condition, diabetes is increasing at a faster rate than other chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer and it’s important to know the signs and symptoms. These can differ depending on the type of diabetes.


Type 1 diabetes signs and symptoms

  • Passing urine more frequently
  • Excessive thirst and drinking a lot of fluids
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Fatigue (tiredness)
  • Mood changes
  • Skin infections or itching
  • Oral or vaginal thrush
  • Abdominal pain
  • Excessive hunger
  • Weakness
  • Headaches
  • Blurred vision

Type 2 diabetes signs and symptoms

  • Passing urine more frequently, commonly noticed at night
  • Dry mouth
  • Being more thirsty than usual
  • Feeling tired, lethargic or irritable
  • Constantly feeling hungry despite having eaten
  • Having cuts, sores or ulcers that heal slowly
  • Itching, skin infections
  • Thrush or bladder infections
  • Blurred vision
  • Weight changes – commonly a gradual increase in weight
  • Mood swings
  • Headaches
  • Feeling dizzy
  • Pain or tingling in the lower legs and/or feet



If you have any further questions about diabetes, Diabetes Australia has a large range of resources available, including fact sheets, practical tips for healthy living, support services and much, much more. Visit their website for more information.


Information sourced from Diabetes Australia.