Know how Westfund can support your health and wellbeing
Thanks to everyone who followed our Science of Habit Change content series over the past eight weeks. We've enjoyed sharing our collection of healthy recipes, motivating articles and information from leading experts in the areas of psychology, nutrition and habit change with you. We hope that our Habit Change series helps you to make positive changes that make you feel good about your health and wellbeing.
If you haven't had the chance to take a look, just visit our website and Facebook page to learn more.
Modifying your habits can be a challenge. That's why we want to you about our health and wellbeing programs that may be available as part of your cover.*
Taking care of your mental health:
Comprehensive Mental Health Support
This 8 to 16-week mental health coaching program delivered by clinical professionals gives you the support and advice to manage feeling low, stress, worry, anxiety and more.
Learn more | Check your eligibilityMindstep Online CBT
Take control of your wellbeing with online courses designed to help you identify and understand psychological difficulties such as stress, insomnia, worry, anxiety and depression under the guidance of Mindstep Online CBT's team of dedicated mental health clinicians.
Managing a chronic health condition:
Healthy Weight for Life
Manage your lifestyle after a diagnosis of a cardiovascular condition, Type 2 Diabetes or Osteoarthritis without leaving your home.
Learn more | Check your eligibilityReady to make a change? Follow these three steps

Check our eligibility criteria to see if this program is for you.

We'll arrange for our program partners to get in touch with you.