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Record breaking round for Westfund’s Community Grants

The latest round of Westfund’s Community Grants Program recorded the largest number of applications since the program began in 2018.

Over 150 applications from community groups and organisations were submitted, with grants of up to $2500 available. The program also includes 'Here for Hearts', which provides access to defibrillators for eligible organisations.

The committee had the incredibly difficult job of assessing applications to decide who would receive a grant or defibrillator. Following a comprehensive judging process, Westfund awarded a total of 32 grants in Round 1, 2021.

The overwhelming amount of applications we received resulted in some difficult decision-making for our committee, who were impressed by the quality and variety in the applications.

“It’s been terrific to see such strong growth in the program since its creation in 2018,” said Westfund's Chief Operations Officer Jon Goodgame.

“We feel privileged to be able to support such worthy community organisations and initiatives, particularly given the difficulties these groups have faced over the last 18 months.”

Plans are now underway for the next round of the Community Grants Program which is expected to open later in the year.

Successful applicants – Grants:

Care Kits for Kids QLD The Awakened Mumma Wellness
Lithgow Dementia Alliance Maroochy Neighbourhood Centre
Sailability Whitsunday Suncoast Spinners Wheelchair Basketball
Umbo Lily House
Torres Strait and Cape York Peninsula Futsal Association LTD Birpai Dolphins Boys and Girls Rugby League
Reading out of Poverty Cairns Foodcare Shellharbour
Sailability Shorncliffe 2nd Turramurra Scouts Group
Blush Cancer Care All Abilities Mackay
Marrangaroo RFS Richmond Riding for the Disabled
Allstar Gymnastics Parent and Friends Support Group Dance for Parkinsons Australia
Coolum Common Mudjimba Surf Life Saving Club
IFYS Urban Angels Community Surat Aboriginal Corporation
Bathurst GIANTS AFL Club  

Successful applicants – Defibs:

Habana Rural Fire Brigade

Toowoomba Valleys Junior Rugby League

The Shack Community Centre

Bollon Aboriginal Corporation for Housing and Community Development

Townsville Picnic Bay Surf Life Saving Club

Maroochydore Squash Club

Abergowrie State School Parents and Citizens Association


To keep up-to-date with the latest program news, visit