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Tips for picking the right sunglasses

Protecting our eyes from Ultra Violet rays may not be as well known or as campaigned as protecting our skin. But it should be.

Built up UV radiation can lead to:

  1. Cataracts
  2. Macular degeneration (a leading cause of blindness)
  3. Pterygium (a fleshy growth on the eye)
  4. Solar keratopathy
  5. Skin cancer of the eyelids

Understanding the standards and picking the right sunglasses can help to reduce the risk of these diseases.


Eye Protection Factor is similar to Sun Protection Factor (SPF). In the realm of eyes the level we seek to protect our eyes from Ultra Violet Rays can be high or low depending on the product. Without an EPF sunglasses are only fashion. Using sunglasses rated as a EPF 9 or a 10 will block almost all UV rays.

Australian Standards

Although there is no global standard, here in Australia, we have a mandatory labelling Australian/New Zealand Standard for Sunglasses and must carry the label AS/NZS 1067:2003. Look for this labelling and the category 2, 3 or 4 to comply with the Australian Standards for UV.

When purchasing sunglasses, be sure to buy them from a trusted Eye Care Centre such as our Westfund Eye Care Centres as sunglasses labelled as fashion spectacles do not have to comply with our Australian standards.

Lens colour

Darker Lenses do not filter more UV rays. Although they are fashionable they can dilate the pupil and allow an unfiltered UV ray into the retina, as well and can allow a harmful blue light (400–440 nm) into the eyes. Chronic exposure to this Visual Spectrum blue light can be a risk factor for age-related macular degeneration.

When to wear them

Protection is recommended when the UV level is 3 and above.