From 1 April 2025, your premium may change due to our annual increase. You've been informed about this change via email or mail (based on your preference). Find out more.

Do I need ambulance cover?

If you live in New South Wales, ACT, Victoria, Western Australia, South Australia or Northern Territory, you may have to pay for ambulance transport to a hospital.

With Ambulance cover, these services are covered for a small yearly fee.

If you’re looking for that peace of mind that comes with being covered for the unexpected, Ambulance cover might be right for you. 

Want more cover? All Westfund Extras and Hospital covers also include Ambulance cover.

Cover for what you need.

ambulance only

Ambulance only

Singles from $47.83 per year*
Families from $99.97 per year*


  • Emergency Ambulance Transport
  • Non-Emergency Patient Transport
extras cover

Starter Extras cover

Singles from $5.47 per week*
Families from $11.47 per week*

Extras health insurance best suited to fit and healthy singles and couples. Value for money Extras cover with grouped benefits meaning you choose where to spend your limits across services like optical, physio, chiro, vitamins, massage, acupuncture, mental health support and more (sub-limits apply).

  • Includes general dental cover + an optical benefit up to $180 per person, per calendar year.
  • Choose how to spend $400 per person, per calendar year to manage your health across a great range of therapies and providers.
  • Includes benefits to put towards managing mental health.


Emergency Ambulance Transport

Non-Emergency Patient Transport



*Based on NSW prices, including Base Tier Australian Government Rebate for under 65. Family price covering dependants under 25. Price effective 1 April 2024.

Frequently asked questions

What’s non-emergency patient transport?

Non-emergency patient transport is ambulance transportation (including on-the-spot treatment) where a time-critical ambulance response isn’t essential, but clinical monitoring is required to provide medical attention.

Services available under non-emergency patient transport might be:

  • Inter-Hospital transfers (except public hospital to public hospital)
  • Admissions to hospital from home
  • Ambulance service fees where subsequent transport isn’t required.
How can I make an ambulance claim?

Just like making an extras claim, you can make an ambulance claim through Members Online or via our app. Alternatively, you can email your completed claim form and your account to [email protected].

Which Ambulance providers does Westfund currently recognise?

  • Ambulance Service of NSW
  • NSW Government Local Service Provider
  • Ambulance Victoria
  • Queensland Ambulance Service
  • ACT Ambulance Service
  • SA Ambulance Service
  • Tasmanian Ambulance Service
  • St John Ambulance Service NT
  • St John Ambulance Service WA
  • St John Ambulance Service Norfolk Island.
Do I need Ambulance cover?

Depending on your state of residence, you may be eligible for a discount or may not need ambulance cover at all. 

Complicated, we know - this helpful guide from can help you check the latest arrangements in your state.