From 1 April 2025, your premium may change due to our annual increase. You've been informed about this change via email or mail (based on your preference). Find out more.

The Westfund Eye Care difference

We’re proud to offer you eye care backed by leading technology. But when it comes to serving our patients, what makes the real difference? We think it’s the little things.

Personalised eye care service

It feels good to take care of your eye health. Ensuring your eyes are healthy is more than testing your vision - it’s also helping you make good eye health decisions.  We’re passionate about caring for our patients – that’s why so many people are loyal to their Westfund Eye Care Centre.

Great frames selection

Our experienced staff can help you select a frame that fits well and suits your lifestyle and fashion needs.

Frame adjustments

It’s not unusual for glasses frames to become less comfortable over time. Drop into your local Westfund Eye Care Centre, and we’ll readjust your frames at no cost to you.

Free cleaning

Can’t seem to get your glasses as clean as you’d like? Bring them into your Westfund Eye Care Centre for a free expert clean.

Free minor repairs

Has a side come loose on your frames? Has your nose pad broken? Whatever the problem, bring them to your Westfund Eye Care Centre.

12 month frame warranty

If something more serious goes wrong with your frames, bring them in. We offer a warranty against manufacturing faults and defects. Just remember, normal wear and tear from general use or mishandling isn’t covered by this.

Cleaning extras

You’ll not only leave with your new frames, but you’ll also have a new glasses case, cloth and cleaning liquid. Run out of your cleaning liquid? No problem. Bring your bottle back to your Westfund Eye Care Centre for a free refill.


Our optometrists have a combined 100+ years of experience.