Certain Extras benefits have changed from 1 January 2025. You can learn more about the Benefit Changes and how they may apply to you here.

Changes to the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) – July 2021

Changes to the Medicare Benefits Schedule came into effect on 1 July.

These changes were the result of a consultative process between the Federal Government and a clinician-led MBS Review Taskforce. As a result, more than 900 MBS item numbers have been changed - most related to general surgery, orthopaedic and cardiac services.

Updates to the MBS are aimed at increasing efficiency and transparency to consolidate the Schedule to reflect current medical procedures and practice.

We understand our members may be concerned about how these changes may impact your cover. 

What are the changes?

The changes are the Government’s response to recommendations from the clinician-led MBS Review Taskforce, aimed at ensuring the Schedule reflects modern medical and clinical best practice.

Most of the changes relate to item numbers for Orthopaedic Surgery, Cardiac Services and General Surgery with the intent of combining like procedures, removing ambiguity and improving the quality of care and safety to patients.

The changes have introduced new items, amended existing items and (in a few cases) deleted some items.

While specific item numbers may have changed, you’ll remain covered for procedures and treatments falling under the clinical categories covered by your policy.

A relatively low amount of item numbers have been removed. If an item has been removed, it has (in most cases) been replaced or consolidated with another item.

If you’re still concerned, remember we’re here to help. Just call or email so our Member Care experts can talk you through your concerns.

I have a procedure planned after 1 July – will this impact me?

If you’re concerned about a particular procedure you have planned or scheduled, you should contact your doctor, specialist or treatment provider to discuss the MBS item number.

Once you have your item number, we’ll be able to check your policy with you to check you’re covered.

It’s important that you ask your doctors or specialists for Informed Financial Consent so you’re aware of any out-of–pocket costs prior to undergoing any treatment or procedure. You can read more here.

If you’re still concerned, remember we’re here to help. Just call or email so our Member Care experts can talk you through your concerns.