From 1 April 2025, your premium may change due to our annual increase. You've been informed about this change via email or mail (based on your preference). Find out more.

What are the waiting periods for Extras cover?

The following waiting periods apply to extras benefits:

Extras Waiting Periods

Emergency Ambulance Transport

1 Day

Non-emergency Ambulance Transport, General Dental, Optical (excluding Laser Eye Surgery), Other Therapies (excluding surgical treatment by a podiatrist), Prescriptions/Vaccinations/Injections, Prevention and Health Management (excluding antenatal classes)

2 Months

Major Dental, Orthodontic, Dental Top-Up, Antenatal Classes, Health Aids & Appliances (excluding Hearing Aids), Surgical Treatment by a Podiatrist, Outpatient Travel Benefit

12 Months

Hearing Aids, Laser Eye Surgery

36 Months

We recommend checking your Policy Summary for detailed information about your cover, including waiting periods.