From 1 April 2025, your premium may change due to our annual increase. You've been informed about this change via email or mail (based on your preference). Find out more.

What are the waiting periods for Hospital cover?

The following waiting periods apply to Hospital benefits:

Hospital Waiting Periods


1 Day

Hospital psychiatric services, Rehabilitation and Palliative Care

A member who has held a policy with Hospital cover for at least 2 months and upgrades to a policy which includes Hospital psychiatric services may elect to waive the 2 month Waiting Period that applies to psychiatric treatment upon upgrade. This waiver can only be accessed once in a member’s lifetime.

2 Months

Pregnancy and birth

12 Months

Treatment of a pre-existing condition

12 Months

All other services (not listed above)

2 Months

Accommodation Benefit, Inpatient Travel Benefit

12 Months

Waiting periods also apply to our Health and Wellbeing Programs

We recommend checking your Policy Summary for detailed information about your cover, including waiting periods.