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Feels good to do good – Westfund continues to support LINC with Christmas hamper service

Westfund staff packing hampers with fresh produce for Christmas 2021 at the Lithgow Information and Neighbourhood Centre.

Local families in need received a hamper of fresh produce and Christmas goods thanks to the ongoing collaboration between Westfund Health Insurance and Lithgow Information and Neighbourhood Centre (LINC).

The hamper service was revived in 2020, with Westfund seeing the opportunity to support its founding community at Christmas.

More than 200 families were provided with a large hamper filled with locally sourced fresh produce, meat goods and Christmas items.

Local Westfund and LINC staff worked together to compile and hand out the hampers earlier this week.

Westfund contributed $10,000 to the worthy cause and the team at LINC was able to make use of a van handed over to them this year to pick up goods and distribute hampers locally.

“We’re really proud of our relationship with LINC and the support we’re able to provide to our local community via this Christmas initiative,” said Westfund CEO, Mark Genovese.

“Supporting and giving back to the people and communities that have always supported us is important to us at Westfund – especially in our hometown of Lithgow.”

LINC’s Community Hub Manager Leanne Walding expressed thanks to Westfund and to the local community – many of whom contributed via the Centre’s reverse Advent Calendar appeal.

“Most of us are lucky that we don’t face the financial stresses and lack of support faced by the vulnerable in our local community. It’s great that Westfund can help us provide some food security during Christmas to local families.”