Good news - we've reached an in-principle agreement at Healthscope hospitals! Read more here.

Westfund reaches in-principal agreement with Healthscope

Lithgow, NSW: Westfund is pleased to announce we have reached an in-principle agreement with Healthscope, ensuring our members can continue to access care at Healthscope hospitals without additional out-of-pocket costs.

This agreement, established through our partnership with the Australian Health Service Alliance (AHSA), aligns with our commitment to providing high-quality and affordable private healthcare to our members.

Speaking on the new agreement, AHSA CEO Andrew Sando said, “Our priority has always been to provide funds’ members access to high-quality, affordable private healthcare. This outcome safeguards their best interests while also supporting the continued delivery of safe, high-quality care.”

“Over the past 12 months, we have strengthened our partnerships by signing new agreements with a number of leading private hospital operators across the country,” said Mr Sando. “I look forward to continuing our partnership with Healthscope, and all private hospital providers, to ensure the best possible care for Australians and their families.”

This agreement means Westfund members can confidently access care at Healthscope’s 38 facilities across Australia, knowing they won’t incur additional hospital charges.

“We know this has been a concerning time for many, however, this agreement ensures uninterrupted access to private hospital care,” said Mr Sando.

Westfund CEO Mark Genovese shared Mr Sando’s sentiments on the agreement, saying “This a great outcome for our members, but we acknowledge that it has been a period of great uncertainty as negotiations have been ongoing for several months,” he said.

“During that time, Westfund has stayed true to our goal – a positive outcome for members, and one that balances affordability with accessibility.”

"We understand that going to hospital is a stressful enough experience in itself, let alone extra confusion on whether you may or not be covered, or other factors out of your control.

"We sincerely apologise for the impact this uncertainty has caused.

"We're pleased this negotiation has reached a positive outcome and look forward to our continuing relationship with Healthscope," he said.