Certain Extras benefits have changed from 1 January 2025. You can learn more about the Benefit Changes and how they may apply to you here.

Westfund short-listed for 2021 Sunshine Coast Business Awards

 Westfund Maroochydore team
Westfund Health Insurance has recently been recognised in the Health and Wellness Category for Sunshine Coast’s longest established business awards. These awards have been running since 1995.

These awards celebrate and recognise many businesses across the Sunshine Coast and attract hundreds of nominations each year. Westfund is thrilled to be a finalist for the second time and humbled to be considered for this award. 

It's so pleasing to see our Marchydoore team recognised for their unwavering commitment to serving our members and their community. 

Westfund is looking forward to entering the second phase of judging, which involves face-to-face interviews with an independent judging panel. Award winners will be announced towards the end of the year.

You can read more about the Sunshine Coast Business Award finalists here